Can I add more than one message?

Yes, you can add up to 3 free messages, to be sent to its recipients.

What if a trustee failed my trust?

Once the trustee verifies the link sent to him, a warning email will be sent to your inbox as well telling you that your trustee has verified his link. At that time, you can use the link provided in the email sent you, or access you account > sol trustees > Stop verification where you can stop the process and deactivate the links that were verified and you can edit/delete trustee.

Is my data safe?

Completely safe as data security is taken very seriously. Your connection to soutloud is protected by 256-bit SSL encryption. However, regular routinary backups are done for disaster recovery purposes.

what if I don’t trust you with my secrets?

You can use our platform to send message/letters to person you would like to say your last words to, or to reveal the place where you have hid the original copy of your will/secrets. For example: If you hid it in a safe at your place, you can send the recipient the safe’s password, or the will’s location, so they will reach your will on their own without revealing your confidential documents here.

What if trustee forgot to verify?

You can add more than one trustee to help verifying the case. However, each trustee, once active, will be reminded by email monthly that he’s been SOL trusted by you.

Can I add more than one trustee?

Yes you can add more than one trustee, and their job will be only to verify your leave.

Can a trustee be a message recipient also?

Yes you can use the trustee’s email, as a recipient of a message you have added.