How SoutLoud works

How SoutLoud works: Soutloud provides a friendly yet simple interface that serves its purpose.

1-Registration: Simple registration process, where you can find “Days before notifying recipients” which defines the duration before a message is sent to its recipient after trustee’s verification.

2-Trustee: is the person who you trust to verify your state after you leave this world for good. Add new trustee and fill the required details, and you will find “Notification Date” which defines the date when you would like to send the verification link to your trustee. However, your trustee, can keep the email in the inbox until the time comes when he needs to use/verify it.
His job is only to verify your death through the link sent by email to his address.

3-Message: You can add up to 3 messages (free plan) to different persons, and you can attach images/PDF files to these messages.
Once the trustee verifies his link, the message will wait the “Days before notifying recipient” duration before it is sent to its recipient.
The recipient will receive a link to your message and at that time the message will be revealed.